
The Okonguarri Psychotherapeutic Centre is registered with NAMAF (Namibian Association of Medical Aid Funds) as a private mental health facility. NAMAF-approved tariffs are applicable.

Referral Form

The referral form can be downloaded here: Download PDF ~60KB

Private Patients

Private patients are requested to contact us for a quotation depending on the length of stay.

The fee includes full board and lodging, psychotherapy, nursing care and environmental educational sessions.

A special tariff for longer term treatment (that means longer than 14 days) may be negotiated. Terms and conditions will apply.

You will be charged for all additional medication dispensed to you during your stay.

PSEMAS / Government Patients

All PSEMAS patients must be referred by a psychiatrist, who will assist with obtaining pre-authorization from PSEMAS.

In the event that a town does not have a residing Psychiatrist, a patient can be referred by a Psychologist AND a Medical Doctor.

In order to confirm admission, please ensure that the confirmation from the medical aid is emailed to Okonguarri.

In the event that the medical aid fails to settle the account in full, the patient will be held responsible for all outstanding fees.

A medication levy of N$250.00 is payable by all patients.

All appointments must be confirmed at least one week in advance.

NHP, NAMMED, Renaissance/Prosperity & other Medical Aid Patients

For patients belonging to the above medical aids, the referral letter may also be obtained from a Clinical Psychologist & is to be emailed to Okonguarri.

Okonguarri will arrange pre-authorization with your medical aid.

In order to ensure that all arrangements with your medical aid has been finalised, please contact Okonguarri prior to admission to confirm.

In the event that the medical aid fails to settle the account in full, the patient will be held responsible for all outstanding fees.

A medication levy of approximately N$250.00 is payable by all patients.

All appointments must be confirmed at least one week in advance.

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